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Living Landscapes (Landscapes for living) Conference Proceedings</br>Section 7 | Living the changing city

Conference Proceedings
Landscapes for Living
Section 7 | Living the Changing city

The new scenarios of economic, social and cultural sphere as well as forming new planning paradigm and of new theories for urban design have led to a change in the way of thinking and intervening on both the existing city structure and on new expansion areas. Compact city is affected by several transformations, for example: divestment processes have set many areas free.

These areas are often located in the heart of the city, where their strategic importance and their potentialities in contemporary city planning are clear, both at urban, metropolitan and global level. In this transformation two kinds of areas acquire a strategic role: disused areas (former industrial areas, military areas, areas occupied by disused infrastructures...) and public property areas (former Peep, ERP and others).
Alongside big transformations there also are arising transformations, occupation processes, self-recycling of empty spaces, and/or artistic experimentations. In “Wasting Away” (1990) Kevin Lynch talked about the strategic role of dismantled areas where experimentation and manipulation are easier.

The redevelopment of these areas is usually led by the public system; through forecasts included in structured plans and carried out by privates or  through public-private agreements; but sometimes the rethinking of these spaces are promoted directly from spontaneous initiatives of citizens (bottom-up). Overcoming the distinction between factory town and company town (zooning), the functional mixité allows new uses and new economies to find space in the urban fabric and to make them accessible areas previously closed or isolated; so, through this approach, it is possible to experiment with a new idea of the quality of life.

Papers discussed in this session have examined the city transformations from several points of view: social and cultural, physical, up to the exploration of borders between artificial and natural environments, the edges of port cities and waterfronts.

Living the changing city / Abitare la città in trasformazione
Section edited by Sara Bartolini, Chiara Belingardi, Luna D’Emilio, Luca Di Figlia, Matteo Scamporrino

Urban ethnographies and differences. Resource and routes of an italian new wave
Adriano Cancellieri
 The French banlieues, between appropriation and demolition
Elisa Bertagnini
 Spontaneous regeneration in Prato city
Sara Bartolini
 ‘Innovation economy’ and urban renewal
Stefano Sabatino
• Urban studies and periphery
Giuseppe Scandurra
 The politics of splintering: research notes on immigrants and urban developments in Rome, Kolkata and Buenos Aires
Marco Cremaschi
 New ways of reusing abandoned industrial architectures
Giulia Setti
 Remains, fragments and relics: the new materials of the contemporary urban design
Giulia Menzietti
• Time and regeneration: temporary reuse in lost spaces
Flavia De Girolamo
 Mind the gap: smart infill designing
Giuseppe Roccasalva, Antonio Spinelli
 Disused sites in the re-composition of the urban puzzle
Luca Di Figlia
 Landscape project role along the boundary between city and sea. A case: urban seafront parks 
Cecilia Caldini
 City-Port of Island: urban relations in changing
Luca Di Figlia, Matteo Scamporrino