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Regards croisés France / Italie
sous la direction de M. Cremaschi,
A. Delpirou, D. Rivière et C. Salone
The question of competition and complementarity between regions and metropolitan areas is one that has arisen with renewed urgency over the last two decades within a dual context of globalization and decentralization.
Since 2008, this process has experienced significant fluctuations as a result of the global financial crisis which has made it necessary to rethink the methods and structures of local and regional government in the face of the harsh reality of public deficits and a need to make savings through economies of scale.
The objective of this volume is to help stimulate this debate, on the one hand by comparing and contrasting the territorial and public-policy viewpoints, and on the other by focusing on France and Italy, which are interesting from a comparative perspective due to the similarities between the legislative developments currently under way in the two countries.
• Introduction
Marco Cremaschi, Aurélien Delpirou, Dominique Rivière, Carlo Salone
• Transformations territoriales des métropoles maritimes face à la crise:
Marseille et Naples
Fabio Amato, Daniel Béhar, Giovanni Laino
• Les enjeux de la construction d’une ville métropolitaine dans une région polycentrique: le cas de Bologne
Dorian Bernadou
• Le duo «métropole-région» au regard de l’évolution
des politiques d’aménagement depuis les années 1980: une comparaison entre Paris et Marseille
Xavier Desjardins, Nicolas Douay
• Metropoli e regioni nell’Italia e nella Francia del secondo dopoguerra:
similarità e differenze.
Fiorenzo Ferlaino
• Nains, géants et... patrons: une analyse des relations régions/métropoles au prisme des mobilisations des intérêts économiques
Deborah Galimberti
• Mosaique et les réseaux. Une histoire des circonscriptions politico administratives de l’Italie.
Floriana Galluccio
• Globalizzazione e sviluppo urbano tra decentramento territoriale e coesione
sociale. Esperienze regionali a confronto.
Rosalina Grumo, Luigi Bellino
• L’Union Européenne et le duo métropoles-régions, un rendez-vous en sursis? L’exemple de l’intervention de la politique de cohésion dans la construction de la Métropole du Grand Paris
Brice Lamenie
• Northeastern Piedmont between interregional metropolization and regional belonging
Dino Gavinelli, Paolo Molinari
• Régions et métropoles, entre concurrences et complémentarités financières.
Francois Navarre
• Métropoles et régions dans la coopération transfrontalière.
Le cas de l'action cuturelle
Thomas Perrin
• Roma metropolitana: le dimensioni territoriali di una capitale.
Un confronto a distanza con Parigi.
Maria Prezioso, Angela D’Orazio
Métropoles et Régions.
Entre Concurrences et Complémentarités: Regards croisés France/Italie.
Sous la direction de Marco Cremaschi, Aurélien Delpirou, Dominique Rivière et Carlo Salone.
Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano 2015 © Copyright Planum Publisher
First edition published in July 2015 | ISBN 9788899237035
Publication available on www.planum.net
The essays published in this book have been presented and discussed in a first version during the International Conference: “Métropoles et Régions. Entre concurrences et complémentarités: Regards croisés France / Italie”, 10 et 11 avril 2014 IUP Créteil et Université Paris-Diderot
This pubblication has been possible thanks to the support of:
• École française de Rome
• Research Laboratories Lab’Urba | École d’urbanisme de Paris
• Géographie-Cités | UMR 8504
• Roma Tre Università degli Studi
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Cover photo: S. Camplone. All right reserved ©
Graphic project: N. Vazzoler. All right reserved ©
Conception and Realization: Planum Publisher Editorial Staff | G. Fini, C.M. Saibene, L. Malaguti, M. Milini
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
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Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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