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17 November 2020 – 20 November 2020
UrbanPromo | Progetti per il Paese
Convegno Internazionale
Milano, Italy
INU | Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
URBIT | Urbanistica Italiana srl
UrbanPromo | WebPage
International Conference
In re-proposing the formula already successfully tested in previous editions of Urbanpromo, INU and Urbit intend to provide working hypotheses and contributions of ideas to the scientific community by organizing an international conference that will take place in Milan on the occasion of the 17th edition of Urbanpromo in November 2020. The conference is addressed to researchers, scholars and professionals who work in universities, businesses and public administration, and makes use of the collaboration of the leading scientific journals in the sector URBANISTICA and Planum. The Journal of Urbanism. Planum will ensure the full and timely publication of the papers sent – which will be propagatedand subjected to discussion already during the Conference , while the URBANISTICA magazine – as already happened with n. 157, n. 160 and n. 162 (in press) of the magazine – will host a large selection of papers considered of greatest interest in a special issue.
Thanks to a clever mixture of scientific, technical-administrative and operational contents, urban planning traditionally occupies a changing space, endowed with a not negligible symbolic charge, even if of uncertain definition, which is perpetually looking for a satisfactory position among the territories of professional competence and those of democratic representation.
If, for a long time, the exercise of urban planning has based its legitimacy on a rather robust analytical corpus, fed by other social disciplines and by an increasingly deeper design experimentation, it is now evident that this flow of knowledge seems to have significantly weakened. At the origin of the short circuit that tends to settle between the planning proposals and their analytical basis, it is possible to identify a long series of critical issues, which prevent the plan process from appearing convincing and feasible. Among these, the following are particularly important:
A. the difficulty of developing interpretative models capable of measuring themselves with the growing complexity of settlement systems and their change;
B. the loss of visibility and responsibility of the urban planner in the new map of power that, at different scales, was recently designed by the local government;
C. the clear propensity of political parties and cultural elites to avoid the risks that the future holds for us and, consequently, to flatten uncritically on the present;
D. the tendency, at this point without alternatives, to appear unarmed having to manage a post-emergency phase, such as the reconstruction of a territory devastated by a seismic event, or the reorganization of a society destabilized by the consequences of a pandemic.
The thematic articulation of this Call is based precisely on the awareness that a new urban cycle is now upon us, and that urban planning is facing a double challenge, which if on the one hand requires to mobilize the intellectual resources available to analyze in-depth the radical changes that are taking place, or that will mature in the near future also following the recent health emergency, on the other hand require to insert the relationship between public policies and the plan design in a finally coherent and long-term framework.
Participation in the Conference is open to the public. Those who wish to present a written contribution is invited to send electronically an abstract in Italian or in English (min. 300 – max. 400 words) to the following email address before June 1st: call@urbit.it. The paper has to indicate the name of the author/s, the institution to which they belong and the reference to one or more topics proposed in the Call. Moreover, it must clearly propose the thesis supported and a concise overview of the arguments and supporting data.
Authors will be informed of the acceptance of the proposal no later than June 10th. Before September 30th they will be invited to send to the email address call@urbit.it the final text of the contribution in Italian or in English with a maximum of 20.000 characters (including spaces), as well as possible figures and tables. The layouts for Abstract and Paper’s editing will be available on Urbanpromo, INU and Planum websites and it is strictly necessary to follow these rules for the acceptance of the contribution to the Conference.
The papers of the participants who are up to date with the payments will be published on Planum Publisher before the beginning of the Conference.
In order to encourage a wide and qualified distribution of the most significant works sent to the organisers of the Conference, an Evaluation Committee composed of the members of the Scientific Committees and of the two magazines will be established. The Evaluation Committee will select no less than 10 papers that their authors will illustrate during the International Conference. Through the same anonymous evaluation, a wider range of contributions will be selected to be published in a special issue of the magazine URBANISTICA. The authors must compose the final version of their papers in a way that they are coherent with the indications of the Evaluation Committee, with the editorial rules and with the deadlines indicated by the magazine URBANISTICA.
The presentation of a paper at the Conference and its publication are subject to the payment of a participation fee of 300 euros (250 for the INU members). The registration for the Conference entitles participants to attend all the conferences of the XVI edition of Urbanpromo, which will take place in Milan in November 2020. This fee is reduced to 250 euros (200 for INU members) if it is made before September 20th. In any case, the author is required to send the receipt (CRO) of the payment made before October 20th, otherwise the paper will be excluded from the Proceedings of the Conference.
• June 1st, 2020 deadline for abstract submission
• June 10th, 2020 notification of acceptance
• September 20th, 2020 deadline reduced fee (250 euros / 200 for the INU members)
• September 30th, 2020 deadline paper submission, including fee receipt: 300 euros / 250 euros for the INU members (reduced price of 250/200 euros for payments made before September 10th)
• October 20th, 2020 deadline receipt transmission: 300 euros / 250 euros for the INU members
For more information, please download the Call attached to this page
W: UrbanPromo | Website
W: Convegno Scientifico | Programma - Prima Parte
W: Convegno Scientifico | Programma - Seconda Parte
E: call@urbit.it
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-17-2020
- End: 11-20-2020.

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3