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Biennals bibliography

1st biennial - lyon 1995
- "planification urbaine et développement durable -1st biennale des villes et des urbanistes d'Europe", "town planning and sustainable development - town and planners in Europe 1st biennial", Urbanisme, hors serie n.6 - 1996

2nd biennial - roma 1997
- "La sfida delle città europee "
Catalogo prima rassegna di urbanistica europea
"Urban Challenge in Europe" First Exhibition of European Town Planning Catalogue
Inu Edizioni, Roma 1997
- "Seconda biennale delle città e degli urbanisti d'Europa.Atti" a cura di S.Ombuen, Dossier di Urbanistica Informazioni, n.19 - 1999

3rd biennial - herne 1999
- "Sustainable Development - A Challenge for Europe's Urban Regions" 3.Europaische planerbiennale - 3rd Biennial of Towns and Town Planners in Europe Catalogue, SRL, Berlin 1999
- "3rd Biennial of Towns and Town Planners in Europe - 3.Europaische Planerbiennale", minutes, SRL Schriftenreihe, n.46 - 2000
4th biennial - rotterdam 2001
- "Cultures of Cities. Transformations generating new opportunities" Catalogue of 4th Biennial of Towns and Town Planners in Europe - NIROV 2001
5 th biennial - barcelona 2003
- "Connecting the city : connecting citizens. The fifth Biennial of Towns and Town Planners"
Web site and digital catalogue