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Urbanistica Cover n.131/2006

Reggio Emilia: project, perequation and implementation

urban planning, reggio emilia, pianificazione urbana,
perequazione, equalization, plans & policies

Anna Campeol

The decision of implementing the Prg, by applying the practice of perequation to all the transformation areas, was based on the pursuance of better environmental tenability, in all its social, ecological and economic aspects. Although perequation represents a method of activation and implementation, such a procedure, if properly interpreted, contributes to building a vision of the city that a community both wishes and expects. In the case of Reggio Emilia, the process of perequation also allowed to resolve some of the issues existing in the disciplinary praxis and to improve urban quality, in accordance with the local political program.

This article appears in issue 131 of Urbanistica (pag. 63).