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Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti | Planum Publisher 2014 Cover

Edited by C. Cellamare & F. Cognetti | Tracce Urbane, Planum Publisher 2014


Contemporary cities seem to be characterised by new movements and self-organized initiatives that re/use and transform different parts of the city (in many cases marginal areas), by re-introducing them in the urban "life cycle": abandoned buildings and areas, green areas, public spaces. These very different experiences are connected to a variety of social spaces, actors and imageries.
We are talking about the transformation of vacant spaces for residential purpose, the construction of informal community gardens, the new and unprecedented forms of squatter occupations, the wide spectrum of self-construction practices and so forth. In many cases these experiences can be considered as interstitial and marginal practices. But they can also be interpreted as a growing set of actions that are characterizing a more and more diffused way of urban construction. This publication wants to collect research contributions on this themes by focusing on a wide range of experiences that are expected to be critically interpreted.


The publication Practices of Reappropriation was born in the "Urban Traces/Tracce Urbane" Network research ( Tracce Urbane privileges the exchange and confrontation among different approaches in order to promote a meaningful multidisciplinary approach. The Network is open to researchers dealing with different domains such as sociology, anthropology, geography, organizational studies, urban as well as policy studies. 


• Practices of reappropriation in the contemporary city. Processes, places and imaginary
Carlo Cellamare e Francesca Cognetti
• Gestualità e responsabilità: come sapere a chi appartiene lo spazio urbano? Gesture and responsibility: how do we know who owns urban space? 
Michael Herzfeld
• An empowerment approach to community planning and development 
Kenneth M. Reardon
• Self-organization, appropriation of places and production of urbanity 
Carlo Cellamare
• What forms of partecipation today? Forms, pressures, competences 
Francesca Cognetti
• A metaphorical path through the fractures of capitalism 
Giovanni Attili

• Re-create places. Re-imagining places 
Caterina Satta
• Graffiti and re-appropriation of political space in Istanbul 
Moira Bernardoni
• Contested geography: the extreme cases of Jerusalem and Hebron 
Aide Esu
• Jardins collectifs. Story of an urban practice in transformation 
Elisa Bertagnini
• Out of sowed. Coraggio cooperative and urban agriculture in Rome 
Claudio Marciano e Giacomo Lepri
• Art and local appropriation: a journey from Tunis to Paris via Istanbul, Rome, Jerusalem and Hebron 
Giuseppe Scandurra

• Traces of cultural regeneration in hyperdiverse neighbourhood: place and planning in mechanisms of social innovation 
Elena Ostanel
• To be or not to be... In. Off movements between culture and urban regeneration. A case study from Marseille 2013, Capitale Européenne de la Culture
Maria Elena Buslacchi
• Urban spaces and anti-neoliberal social movements: the case of Exarchia neighbourhood in Athens 
Monia Cappuccini
• Reopening the Teatro Valle in Rome. Urban practice development tools and languages: 'Public space' as the interaction between different dimensions 
Marta Chiogna
• The system of automobility and the reappropriation of the urban public space 
Luca Daconto
• From 'territories of friction' in new images of public space 
Valentina Gurgo 
• Re-appropriations as neo-liberal practice? The case of Berlin 
Cecilia Scoppetta 
• Signs of Publicness: public access, public encounter and public appropration 
Adriano Cancellieri

• Evictions and migrant displacement: to occupy urban spaces in Turin
Alice Rossi 
• Riprendersi il centro per opporsi alle espulsioni. Il caso degli IRA 
Olori Davide
Is it all about neoliberalism? Exploring the notions of 'public' and 'common' as references for grassroots organizations. Insights from Milan 
Elena Maranghi 
• "Feels like home...". Two cases of urban mobilisation in Milan 
Carolina Pacchi
• Pianificazione ed informalità. Visioni da Sud 
Margherita Loddoni
• Informal trajectories of housing in San Siro, Milan 
Beatrice De Carli 

• Pratiche in-azione 
Carlo Cellamare
• Pratiche di pubblico tra cittadini e istituzioni: l'esperienza del Movimento "I cantieri che vogliamo" a Palermo 
Luisa Tuttolomondo
• Pratiche simetine. Spontaneità dei processi Vs intenzionalità del ricercatore-in-azione 
Laura Saija
Ricerca-azione fra etnografia e auto-etnografia: pratiche dell'abitare in una periferia milanese
Erika Lazzarino

Practices of reappropriation, edited by Carlo Cellamare & Francesca Cognetti, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano 2014 © Copyright Planum Publisher
ISBN 978-88-99237-01-1 
Volume pubblicato digitalmente nel mese di Dicembre 2014
Pubblicazione disponibile su | Planum Publisher

Tracce Urbane è un network, fatto di persone, sensibilità e competenze diverse. All’origine del gruppo ci sono stati numerosi incontri tra un gruppo di ricercatori, con differenti percorsi disciplinari, che più volte, nel corso degli ultimi anni, hanno lavorato insieme al fine di rispondere a questa domanda:
come è possibile studiarerappresentareprogettare insieme la città? Per tutte le informazioni:

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Progetto grafico e Copertina | Nicola Vazzoler © 

2_Pagine da TU_Pratiche di riappropriazione_150617-7.jpg Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti  Planum Publisher 2014 | List of Contents Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti  Planum Publisher 2014 | Section Cover Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti  Planum Publisher 2014 | Section Cover Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti  Planum Publisher 2014 | Section Cover Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti  Planum Publisher 2014 | Section Cover Practices of Reappropriation, edited by C. Cellamare, F. Cognetti | Planum Publisher 2014 Back Cover