demography Cohesion resilience public spaces social practices educational habitability urbanization urban growth ricerca urban development innovation superplaces local plans cities urban regeneration culture urban renewal energy progetto urbano anthropology inu call for articles social housing ecological networks
Issue 83, 2017
from Territorio
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Can Social Innovation be the Answer? The Role of Citizen Action in the Face of Increasing Socio-Spatial Polarization
by Ismael Blanco, Oriol Nel·lo
Smart Region: Meanings, Governance, Policies and Projects
Smart Region: Meanings, Governance, Policies and Projects
by Stefano Di Vita (a cura di)
Proposals for a ‘Human’ Smart Region Between Milan and Turin. Challenges for a National Urban Agenda
by Stefano Di Vita, Corinna Morandi, Andrea Rolando
Metropolitan Elitism, Marginalisation and the Need for ‘Smartness’ in Governing the Regionalised City
by Tassilo Herrschel
Problematizing and Politicizing Smart City-Regions: Is Devolution Smart?
by Igor Calzada
What’s Smart Growth got to do with Smart Cities? Searching for the ‘Smart City Region’ in Greater Seattle
by Yonn Dierwechter
Smart Cities and Communities in the Marche Region
by Fabiano Compagnucci, Sauro Longhi, Gian Marco Revel
Which Spatial Knowledge Supporting Smart Governance? Two Experiences in Castilla y León and Veneto
by Mario Paris
Designing Change and Innovating Local Welfare. The Case of the WeMi Project in Milan
Designing Change and Innovating Local Welfare. The Case of the WeMi Project in Milan
[ita] Progettare il cambiamento del welfare locale. Il caso WeMi a Milano
by Massimo Bricocoli, Stefania Sabatinelli
Projects and Places in the Reorganization of Local Social Policies. An Experimentation in Milan
[ita] Progetti e luoghi nella riorganizzazione dei servizi di welfare. Una sperimentazione a Milano
by Massimo Bricocoli
The Role of Space in the Innovation of Local Welfare
[ita] Il ruolo dello spazio nell’innovazione del welfare locale
by Stefania Sabatinelli
This is not a Bar. New Places for Welfare in Milan
[ita] Questo non è un bar. Nuovi luoghi del welfare a Milano
by Benedetta Marani
The Construction of a Hybrid Space: rab-WeMi San Gottardo
[ita] La costruzione di uno spazio ibrido: rab-WeMi San Gottardo
by Lorenzo Consalez
WeMi: a Visual Identity Project for Welfare
[ita] WeMi: un progetto di identità per il welfare
by Valeria Bucchetti
City, Welfare and Services: Themes and Issues for Urban Planning and Social Policies
[ita] Città, welfare e servizi: temi e questioni per il progetto urbanistico e le politiche sociali
by Massimo Bricocoli, Stefania Sabatinelli
The Drift of the Utopia. From the Bonheur Poetics to the Welfare Policies
[ita] Gli slittamenti dell’utopia. Dalle poetiche del bonheur alle politiche del welfare
by Andrea Vergano
Social Regeneration in the Domain of the Commons: Management and Governance of the Community Railways Assets
[ita] La rigenerazione nel dominio dei commons: gestione e governo dei community asset ferroviari
by Francesca Battistoni, Flaviano Zandonai
The Shapes of a Trading Zone: Inclusive Strategies of Public Space Design
[ita] Le forme di una trading zone: strategie inclusive per il progetto dello spazio pubblico
by Jacopo Leveratto
The Project for the City Facing the Migrants Hospitality. Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Turin
[ita] Il progetto urbanistico alla prova dell’accoglienza. Rifugiati e richiedenti asilo a Torino
by Angelo Sampieri, Quirino Spinelli
Michele Talia, Maria Prezioso, Davide Fusari, Andrea Di Giovanni, Carlo Cellamare, Fabio Amato, Costanzo Ranci e Patrizia Tenisci
Marina Caneve: «Bridges are Beautiful. A Migration System Breaking All European Borders»
[ita] Marina Caneve: «Bridges are Beautiful. Un sistema di migrazione che rompe i confini europei»
by Francesco Infussi (a cura di)

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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