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Planum 3.2009 </br> Temporary Re-Use

9 March 2009

Temporary Re-Use

Milan, Italy
Politecnico di Milano Facoltà di Architettura Aula Gamma

10th march 2009  
International Seminar and workshop

The temporary reuse experiences and public policies of abandoned buildings in Europe. A proposal for the environmental sustainability and development of Milan.

This seminar is the opportunity to enlighten foreign experiences of reconversion and temporary re-use of abandoned buildings that become resources for the city and experimentation field of innovative and creative practices of urban projects. The issue is to propose a practice of temporary re-use of the existing real estate already started and experienced abroad and in a experimental way in Milan, in the agenda of urban Public Policies, having in view the Expo 2015, an important appointment for Milan. Investing on the re-use of the exhisting real estate is also a way to connect social and project practices of the local context. The experiences of Citymine(d) in Bruxelles that for more than ten years has been proposing itself as intermediary group between public and private owners of vacant real estate and cultural and art associations, to disadvantage the neglect and deterioration of real estate and favour the use of the city as a laboratory. The London case study that by exploiting a huge ex industrial area has developed a HUB of creativity, one of the most significant in Europe. The numerous cases in Berlin and Amsterdam, added to the first pilot projects realized in Milan like BaseB and Stecca Temporanea, mark a bottomup project capability, having the power to become public policies and experimental field.


Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-09-2009
  • End: 03-09-2009.