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Hanoi 2050, Trilogia di un paesaggio Asiatico
Matteo Aimini
Published by INU Edizioni, Roma | Paperback | 320 pages | illustrated (colour) | 2014 | ISBN 978-88-7603-0
This narrative project generated by a deep misunderstanding. The main mistake was the innatural act of psychoanalyzing the territories of a Tropical Metropolis; trying to understand, at any cost, the magnetism that they exercise on me; the digging in order to reveal the most hidden perversions and wildest ambitions. Investigating the difficult relationship between a Russian mother and a French father, was sometimes too thoughtful and excessively authoritarian at the same time.
I inevitably ended up, crushed, in an endless stream of consciousness, marked by betrayals, disappointments, promiscuous loves, blunders, conflicts, paradoxes and sad reatreat.
The obsessive and swirling investigation of this book aims to reconstruct the huge amount of thinking about architecture, landscape and urban forms that have come and gone, overlapped and clashed in a gesture of eternal return on the landscape of the tropical metropolis.
The common thread of these multiple stories are the different time levels, each of them dragging you in personal bestiary of men, utopias, projects, styles and theories. Each of these categories has been dissected and reassembled with the specific intent to snatch the essence of this process: wasting time in observing the implications on the city.
When you have the opportunity to seize an urban mass in the moment of its genesis, it becomes an obsession. The obsession of the explosives territories.
The result is a Wunderkammer melodrama in three acts, where the compulsive collection of materials about the huge desire of urbanity, comes together to show its complex and layered variety.
1° Episodio - Metro Miraggio
Paesaggio immaginario
2° Episodio - Parigi del Tonkino
Periodo Eroico
La città mondiale
Colonial Wonderland
Seconda ondata
Archivio Centrale n°1
3° Episodio - Leningrado Tropicale
Nuove scale
Savoir Faire
Una storia emblematica:
La statua della libertà cambia stato
crediti iconografici
Matteo Aimini studied between the faculties of architecture of Milan and Porto. Phd in Architecture. During his research activity he has been involved in various national and international projects. Since several years he studies the relationship between shapes of the built environment and landscape in the developing countries. He teaches in Politecnico di Milano and is a research in IUAV, Venice.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
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Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
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Planum Association
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