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28 August 2012 – 12 September 2012
International Workshop Demochange Cities | Demographic Change and European Cities CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
DiAP Department of Architecture and Planning. Politecnico di Milano
Cluj, Romania
DEADLINE: 11.05.2012
DiAP Departmente of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
EU Erasmus Intensive Program
Lifelong Learning Programme Education and Culture DG
The EU Intensive Program is promoted and coordinated by Prof. Massimo Bricocoli (DiAP, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) and is funded by the EU Erasmus Initative. The program consists in a full time 2 weeks multidisciplinary workshop on the issue of demographic change and its impact on urban change.
After a first edition focusing on the impact of ageing on urban development (Trieste 2010) and a second dedicated to the effects of immigration (Vienna 2011), the third edition of the DEMOCHANGE Intensive Program will take place in Cluj, Romania from August 28th to September 12th 2012. Romania has been chosen as a national context which has been experiencing in the last years intensive flows of emigration. The field work will be developed in Cluj, a major city which has been undergoing intensive urban change.
The workshop will involve 30 students and International Faculty staff from 6 different universities with different backgrounds in architecture, urban planning, sociology:
• Ingrid Breckner, HafenCity Universitaet, Hamburg-Germany
• Gesa Witthoeft, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
• Massimo Bricocoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
• Elena Marchigiani, Università di Trieste, Italy
• Rudolf Poledna, Universitate Babes Bolyai Cluj-Romania
• Alessandra Swiny, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
The presentation of the workshop will take place Wednesday May 9th at 13.15 in aula C. Those students who are interested in applying are kindly invited to participate.
Eligible students must be enrolled in the Master of Science in Architecture or in the Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design.
The selection will be based on the evaluation of the application consisting of:
• a curriculum vitae (max three A4 pages, with photo)
• a letter of motivation (max two A4 pages);
• a portfolio of relevant activities (max ten A4 pages)
• a certificate of exams indicating grades and study plan
Applications shall be submitted (in paper copy) with the reference “IP DEMOCHANGE” by Friday May 11th at 12.30 at the Desk/Secretary of the DiAP Department of Architecture and Planning, Via Bonardi 3, Milan, Italy at the First floor (Opening hours Monday-Friday 9.00-12.30 – 14.00-17.00).
4 ECTS credits will be awarded upon successful participation to the workshop.
Participation is free of charge. EU funding is fully covering all travel costs and accommodation for the 5 students that will be selected.
• May 9th, 2012
Presentation of the workshop
• May 11th, 2012
Deadline for registration
Event schedule:
- Start: 08-28-2012
- End: 09-12-2012.

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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