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7 November 2005

ICPLA VII - City Development and the Challenges of Informal Settlements

[i]7th to 11th November, 2005[/i] ICPLA VII is an event in a series of ICPLA conferences arranged by Planning Authorities in African Countries. The conference will be hosted by the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Zambia and Lusaka City Council and will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia. The International Conference on Planning Legislation, Housing and Environment is yet another opportunity for the African planning professionals to review the trends, focus on the emerging issues and draw up an agenda to consolidate the gains and tackle the development challenges of the twenty first century. [b]Conference Theme[/b] - City Development and the Challenges of Informal Settlements. This theme emphasizes the need for all stakeholders to work towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) particularly with regard to improving the conditions of the urban poor in the slums. [b]Conference Objectives[/b] ICPLA VII seeks to achieve the following objectives: • To assess implementation of ICPLA VII resolutions • To assess progress and review performance of the Interim Secretariat of ACOPHE with a view of ratifying establishment of a Permanent Secretariat to support continuous cooperation • To share experiences, knowledge and information about success stories in the fi eld of planning, housing and environment • To report on recent developments in the context of planning, housing and environment in the participating African Countries • To provide opportunities for transfer of knowledge and technology and assess possibilities to cooperate in important development projects.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-07-2005
  • End: 11-07-2005.