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Planum 06.2008 </br> Culture meets economy

11 June 2008 – 12 June 2008

Culture meets economy

Bozen - Bolzano, Italy
EURAC, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano

The first International Conference on Culture and Economy addressed the potential of cultural events for tourism and concluded with two theses on approaching the relationship between culture and economy. First of all, culture and arts broaden one´s horizon and secondly, dealing with culture and arts as indicator for future developments, can foster entrepreneurial innovation and open up new markets. 
Based upon these tenets, the conference focused on culture and creativity as location factors, placing the non-metropolitan areas in the centre of attention. The Scientific Track offers a platform for academics and researchers to present and debate state-of-the-art research on the importance of culture and creativity, which are deemed to play a significant role in innovation and social as well as economic regional development. The Scientific Track provides researchers from different disciplines the opportunity to create interdisciplinary networks and co-operations. 

The Scientific Track of the conference addressed various topics on intersection between culture, creativity and economy, with special focus on culture and creativity as location factors: 
• Cultural initiatives and activities as facilitator for innovation and competition 
• Cultural clusters 
• Creative milieu and its location requirements 
• Cultural branding 
• Culture and management 
• Cultural entrepreneurs 
• Culture and tourism

EURAC Website

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-11-2008
  • End: 06-12-2008.